Our Practice
We pride ourselves on being able to provide total dental care for you and your family in the most compassionate and comfortable atmosphere. Dr Strick and his dedicated staff will ensure that any and all of your concerns are attended to at every visit. Dr Strick ensures that a thorough medical and dental history is reviewed with you and meticulously documented. Dr Strick is an active medical staff member at W. W. Backus Hospital and maintains a close professional relationship with primary care providers and medical specialties and dental specialties (ORAL SURGERY, ENDODONTICS, PERIODONTICS) should the need arise for a referral for any service that Dr Strick deems necessary outside of our practice.
When Dr Strick is not caring for your dental needs, you can ususally find him at a local CT Tigers baseball game as he is an avid baseball fan, or you might see him at a UCONN Womens Basketball game as he is also a “DIE-HARD” HUSKY FAN, or you might catch him outside tending to his VEGGIES AND FLOWERS.
Our Team

Robert H. Strick, DMD
Practicing dentistry in Norwich, CT for over 35 years
Univ of CT-B.S. 1972
University of CT-DMD 1979

Rosa, RDH
Tunxis Community College School of Dental Hygiene
RDH(Registered Dental Hygienist) 2004

Shalene, CDA
Over 6 years of experience
Windham Tech

Alison, CDA